Giftable Bouquet Cards


Give the gift of fresh locally grown flowers! Each card can be redeemed for one self-serve flower bouquet from our farm stand ($20 or less). Give one card… give a 3-pack of cards (and save $5)…give a 6-pack of cards (save $10)… or get a stack of cards to give to friends and loved ones…


Give the gift of fresh locally grown flowers!

Each card can be redeemed for one self-serve flower bouquet from our farm stand ($20 or less).

Give one card… give a 3-pack of cards (and save $5)…give a 6-pack of cards (save $10)… or get a stack of cards to give to friends and loved ones all year long.

We’ll mail the cards to you or you can farm “porch” pick-up.


Pack Size

One, Three, Six


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